Thursday, July 1, 2010

"Silent Chain" accepted into SAQA exhibit!

Yesterday I received the good news that my homelessness piece, "Silent Chain," has been juried in to the Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) exhibit "No Place to Call Home."

The exhibit will travel throughout the United States for the next year in a series of shows.

    World Quilt Show - New England
    Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza XVII
    Pacific International Quilt Festival XIX
    World Quilt Show - Florida
    Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival XXII
    The Quilt Fest of New Jersey VII
    Denver National Quilt Festival VI   

I will post the dates and cities later!

My husband and I just returned from our vacation in Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C.  More to follow!


Barbara said...

My most heart-felt congratulations to you. I followed your posts with great interest on several levels during the creative process of this stunning art work.

Somewhere down the road, I only hope that the gentleman receives some sunshine in his life ...

Sue Reno said...

Fabulous! Congratulations on the well deserved honor.

Anonymous said...

SUPER Pam! So happy for you for all the thought and effort you poured into this piece. I was mistaken and thought we would get to see it in Long Beach...

Margaret said...

I am so happy for you, Pam! I know you have put your heart and soul into making these wonderful works, and I so admire your creative talent. What an honor to be chosen to display your piece all over the United States. How lucky are all the people who will see it! WOW!!

Lynn said...

Congratulations! I hope I can see it when it is in Denver.

gayle simpson said...

You are nothing short of an art quilt genius.
I am happy for you and a little bit jealous that OK??

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