Saturday, May 8, 2010

cogito, ergo plan B

My flour paste resist experiment was partially successful, which is to say that it was partially unsuccessful. Ergo: plan B.

I really like the marks on the cloth, but the chain images did not work. I made the flour paste resist too thick. After I removed it, I dyed the fabric, but since it did not turn out the dirt brown color I want, today I am going to overdye it.

To get the chain image, I photographed the chain and played with it in Photoshop. Then I made a thermofax, using two sizes of the image. Here is a photo showing the chain image and the images I used for the thermofax.

I will use the thermofax later after I dye the fabric. Meanwhile, I am working on the composition of the homeless piece and experimenting with more images. As ever, please stay tuned.

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