Friday, May 21, 2010

matte medium and paper lamination

Another section of my "homelessness" piece will involve some sort of paper lamination, using a close-up of what appears to be a chain attached to my subject Thomas' leg. Photocopies of that photo will be "laminated" to a sheer fabric using matte medium. Here, above, is the initial set-up. Below, a close-up of the pinning this process requires.

 I am experimenting with a vertical format, repeating the image two or three times.

At this point, I need to make another sample using a different color of sheer, as this copper color is too dissonant against the brown background fabric I will be using. I am also experimenting with both the sepia and color versions of this photo. I like the appearance of the torn edges in the 3-image sample.

Maintaining clarity in the chain image has been a real challenge, as this is a crop from a photo taken from far away, before I had approached Thomas and talked with him.

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