Tuesday, January 21, 2014

kilnformed glass installation!

Tra la! This commission was installed the week before Christmas. The clients are happy as clams in the Chesapeake. I used an Arakawa hanging system that really secures the glass brilliantly.

Here are the trusty installers, my husband...

and the client...(sans his wife, who was entertaining me inside their spectacular home as the men worked...)

Here it is in situ, as we say in the law...

I need to take pictures when the sun isn't reflecting on it. The home is right around the corner from us, so I get to drive by it often and see it under different lighting conditions...a real treat.


Linda A. Miller said...

Wow! Beautiful piece, Pam. Congratulations!

Pamela Price Klebaum said...

That means a lot to me, felliw artist. Thank you.

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